What is happening next!?

Plan is that the official training restarts in February!

Keep an eye out for the information, we will also try and train on the weekend in January and will have a few trainings with Brixen in Brixen on some
Wednesdays in January so keep an eye out if you want to join.

Nacht Rodeln: voraussichtlich 18/1 18:00/19:00 am

GYM MEMBERSHIP: 10 Euro a Month (120 for the Year ? January 2013 to
end of December 2013

We are considering joining a tournament in Munch on the 9th February
so please let us know ASAP if you want to play.

Other dates for Alpine Cup will be posted as soon as we can confirm them, most will be February and March.

BL starts in April:

13/4 Celtic v RCI in Vienna
27/4 RCI vs Stade in Tirol
11/5 Slovenia Tour ? theme to be announced ;-) Bezigrad vs RCI!
25/5 RCI vs Donau in Tirol
8/6 - Milan 7s! Please let me know if you want to go here by the end
of the Month!
15/6 - BL Final!

22/6 ? RCI vs English Club (Venue TBD)
29/6 ? 7s Final!
Mid July Highland Games

REMINDER - Membership fees 2012/2013 season - REMINDER
110 Euro a year! (This season: August 2012 to July 2013!)*

*For those who already paid their 10 Euro ÖRV registration fee only pay 100 Euro!
Internet banking:
Rugby Club Innsbruck
Konto#: 3300000928
Blz: 20503, Tiroler Sparkasse
